Maybe someone else should be leading this "fight" but I doubt you'll find another willing to go on a pointless and misguided crusade. You come across as projecting your white savior complex while blowing out the voices of the community you're "trying" to help. It's very clear that you're here for attention, not real change. Because they literally do address the racism. You say you've been 4 times. Did you ever show up just to shut up and listen? You seem like you walked in mad and had made up your mind because you quite clearly didn't hear the dialogue. To quote the top comment on your *celebrated* (cue: eye roll) reddit thread, "there is a difference between white washing and not covering the entirety of the racial complexities of the suffrage movement in a 2 hour and 30 minute show." If anything, your little "win" of a reddit discussion should have you questioning why you feel the need to protest. You're not fighting the good fight, you're a white woman with an opinion and I know that can lead to some big feelings but ruining a good show for other attendees because of those big feelings is not how we conduct ourselves in public spaces for causes that literally don't have a leg to stand on. Why didn't I hear about you protesting Hamilton, they never once touch on slavery? They have educational aspirations too. You're picking the wrong battle. Who in their right mind would be upset at *Theatre kids* for not being woke enough? You're not doing anything real besides being a real asshole.

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Suffs was the best musical I've seen in a long time! Everyone reading this should go see! It's excellent and the musical score is amazing!

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